Sunday, September 9, 2018

Juan Luis Guerra - Estrellitas y Duendes

"Estrellitas y Duendes"
"Little Stars and Elves"

Viviré en tu recuerdo
I will live in your memory

como un simple aguacero
like a simple downpour

de estrellitas y duendes
of little stars and elves

vagaré por tu vientre
I will loiter through your womb

mordiendo cada ilusión.
biting every illusion.

Vivirás en mis sueños
You will live in my dreams

como tinta indeleble
like indelible ink

como mancha de acero
like a stain of steel

no se olvida el idioma
language is not forgotten

cuando dos hacen amor.
when two make love.


Me tosté en tus mejillas
I got toasted in your cheeks

como el sol en la tarde
like the sun in the afternoon

se desgarra mi cuerpo
my body tears apart

y no vivo un segundo
and I can't live a second

para decirte que sin ti muero.
without telling you, that I die without you.

Me quedé en tus pupilas mi bien
I am trapped in your pupils my love

ya no cierro los ojos
I no longer close my eyes

me tiré a los mas hondo
I threw myself in the deepest

y me ahogo en los mares
and I am drowning in the seas

de tu partida, de tu partida.
of you leaving, of you leaving.

[Interludio Instrumental & Vocal]
[Instrumental & Vocal Interlude]

Andaré sin saberlo
I will walk without knowing

calzaré de tu cuerpo
I will cover your body

como huellas en hierro
like fingerprints on iron

comeré lo que sobre
I will eat what you leave me

dentro de tu corazón.
inside your heart.

Y seré un mar desierto
And I will be a deserted ocean

una frase silente
a silent phrase

la elegida de un beso
the chosen for a kiss

un planeta de celos
a planet of jealousy

esculpiendo una canción.
sculpting a song.


Me tosté en tus mejillas
I got toasted in your cheeks

como el sol en la tarde.
like the sun in the afternoon.

se desgarra mi cuerpo
my body tears apart

y no vivo un segundo
and I can't live a second

para decirte que sin ti muero.
without telling you, that I die without you.

Me quedé en tus pupilas mi bien
I am trapped in your pupils my love

ya no cierro los ojos
I no longer close my eyes

me tiré a los mas hondo
I threw myself in the deepest

y me ahogo en los mares
and I am drowning in the seas

de tu partida, de tu partida.
of you leaving, of you leaving.


Me tosté en tus mejillas
I got toasted in your cheeks

como el sol en la tarde
like the sun in the afternoon

se desgarra mi cuerpo
my body tears apart

y no vivo un segundo
and I can't live a second

para decirte que sin ti muero.
without telling you, that I die without you.

Me quedé en tus pupilas mi bien
I am trapped in your pupils my love

ya no cierro los ojos
I no longer close my eyes

me tiré a los mas hondo
I threw myself in the deepest

y me ahogo en los mares
and I am drowning in the seas

de tu partida, de tu partida.
of you leaving, of you leaving.

Oh, oh, oh.....
Oh, oh, oh.....
Oh, oh, oh.....

Juan Luis Guerra - Ojalá Que Llueva Café

"Ojalá Que Llueva Café"
"I Hope It Rains Coffee"

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo
I hope it rains Coffee in the countryside

que caiga un aguacero de yuca y té
that a heavy shower of yuca and tea pour down

del cielo una jarina de queso blanco   
from heaven a light coating of white cheese

y al sur una montaña de berro y miel 
and from the south a mountain of watercress
and honey

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Ojalá que llueva café          
I hope it rains coffee

Oh, Ojalá que llueva café en el campo
Oh, I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

peinar un alto cerro de trigo y mabuey      
combing an high hill with wheat and
Indian yam

bajar por la colina de arroz graneado
slide down a hill of grain rice

y continuar el arado con tu querer
and continue the plowing with your love

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Ojalá el otoño en vez de hojas secas 
I hope the autumn instead of dry leaves

pintan mi cosecha de pitisalé
paint my harvest with savory meats

siembre una llanura de batata y fresas     
sow a plain with sweet potato and strawberries

Ojalá que llueva café
I hope it rains coffee

Pa’ que en el Conuco no se sufra tanto
So that the Conuco doesn't suffer so much

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo
I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Pa'que en Villa Vasquez oigan este canto

So that in Villa Vasquez they can hear this song

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo
I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Ojalá que llueva, ojalá que llueva, ay hombre 
I hope it rains, I hope it rains, oh man

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo     
I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Ojalá que llueva c-a-f-é
I hope it rains c-o-f-f-e-e

[Interludio Musical]                     

[Musical Interlude]

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo
I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

sembrar un alto cerro de trigo y mabuey
sow a high hill with wheat and Indian Yam

bajar por la colina de arroz graneado  
slide down a hill of grain rice

y continuar el arado con tu querer
and continue the plowing with your love

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Ojalá el otoño en vez de hojas secas
I hope the autum instead of dry leaves

pintan mi cosecha de pitisalé
paint my harvest with savory meats

siembre una llanura de batata y fresas      
sow a plain with sweet potato and strawberries

Ojalá que llueva café
I hope it rains coffee

Pa’ que en el Conuco no se sufra tanto
So that the Conuco doesn't suffer so much

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo  
I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Pa' que los Montones oigan este canto    
So that in the Montones they can hear this song

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo

I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Ojalá que llueva, ojalá que llueva, ay hombre  
I hope it rains, I hope it rains, oh man

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo   

I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Ojalá que llueva café-é          

I hope it rains coffee-e

Pa’ que todos los niños canten en el campo

So that all the children can sing in the countryside

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo

I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Pa' que la Romana oiga este canto
So that the Roman hear this song

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo

I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Ojalá que llueva, Ojalá que llueva, ay hombre

I hope it rains, I hope it rains, oh man

Ojalá que llueva café en el campo
I hope it rains coffee in the countryside

Ojalá que llueva café
I hope it rains coffee

Masterful Caribbean Musician Poet - Juan Luis Guerra

The other day I was with some friends discussing the topic of language and how unfortunate it is that some people do not embrace it for the blessing that it truly is; for example, as it is used in song.   I personally believed early humans learned to sing before they mastered the art of conveying ideas to one another through the spoken word.  But that is another subject for another day.  Back to language, in this case Spanish, which when subjected to sound opens a new world to it's listener. A song tends to compartmentalize language into smaller sections allowing us to learn how other languages are composed.  In song, music becomes the main interpretational tool.  Words become secondary to the emotions the rhythm evokes yet the sounds entices the mind to learn more.  Humans are uncanny wonderful creatures that have the ability to create diverse venues to instill understanding and comprehension.  And what better way to so than through song?  It is the reason Lullaby's and Nursery Rhymes exist. Infusing our developing brains with the learning of language and bathing us in a musical realm.

Let me introduce you to one of most prolific Hispanic singer, song writer, composer and producer of our modern era, Juan Luis Guerra.  This man has been writing and singing about much more than love since the 1980's.  He studied music theory at El Conservatorio Nacional de Música de Santo Domingo, then attended Berklee College of Music in Boston.  Juan Luis Guerra Seijas graduated in 1982 with a degree in Jazz Composition.  

Accompanied by his band, 4-40, he introduced the world to such great hits like "El Niagara en Bicicleta" (The Niagara on Bicycle) an idiom for something difficult to achieve; "Bulbujas de Amor" (Love Bubbles) heavily metaphorical (warning may cause blushing); and "La Bilirrubina" (The Bilirubin) an imagined medical condition caused by a girl's refusal.  Juan Luis Guerra is a master poet. One of his beautiful lyrics questions whether a rose is wearing a full length dress or nothing at all.*  He did not limit himself to one genre incorporating diverse rhythms like merengue, bachata-fusion, balada, salsa, rock and roll and even gospel.  Juan Luis, through his numerous compositions, brought attention to issues that others turned their backs on.  Like poverty, social injustices, doomed romances because of social/economic backgrounds and failed governmental policies of his native, Dominican Republic.  

Juan Luis Guerra is a world renowned performer, human rights activist, philanthropist and very much still active at 61.  He has received countless nominations for Grammys for Album of the Year and Record of the Year, and many other accolades since starting his musical career in 1984; including a Doctorate from his alma mater Berklee.  But as with so many great geniuses, his works are too many to translate in my humble little blog, so I have chosen three of my favorites:

1.  El Costo de La Vida  (The Cost of Living)
2.  Ojala que Lluva Cafe (I Hope It Rains Coffee)
3.  Estrellitas y Duendes (Little Stars and Elves)

Even limiting myself to three songs is a big task.  So I will have to break it down into a song per page; including a video of the song.  I will translate El Costo de La Vida on this page.  I invite you to enter my world. 


[I apologize for the format in which the translation is done.  I have yet to master using columns in Blogger]

"El Costo De La Vida"
"The Cost of Living"

El costo de la vida sube otra vez
The cost of living rises again

el peso que baja, ya ni se ve

the dollar drops, it can't be seen

y las habichuelas no se pueden comer
and the beans can not be eaten

ni una libra de arroz, ni una cuarta de café
nor a pound of rice, nor a fourth of coffee

a nadie le importa qué piensa usted

no one cares what you think

será porque aquí no hablamos inglés      
must be because here we do not speak English

Ah, ah es verdad (3x)
Ah, ah oh yes (3x)

Do you, understand?

Do you, do you?

Y la gasolina sube otra vez
And the gasoline goes up again

el peso que baja, ya ni se ve
the dollar drops, it can't be seen

y la democracia no puede crecer
and democracy can not grow

si la corrupción juega ajedrez
if corruption play chess

a nadie le importa qué piensa usted     
no one cares what you think

será porque aquí no hablamos francés      
must be because here we do not speak french

Ah, ah vous parlez? (3x)                          
Ah, ah do you speak? (3x)

ah, ah non, Monsieur
ah, ah no, Sir

Eh! (a sigh)

Somos un agujero
We are a hole

en medio del mar y el cielo                     
between the ocean and sky

quinientos años después
500 years later

una raza encendida
a burning race

Negra, Blanca y Taína
Black, White and Tania (Native American)

¿pero quién descubrió a quién?
but whom discovered whom?

Uhm é verdad, uhm é verdad, uhm é verdad
For real, for real, for real

Ay, el costo de la vida
Ay, the cost of living

eh, ya ves, pa(ra) arriba tú ves
eh, you see, going up you see

y el peso que baja
the dollar drops

eh, ya ves, pobre ni se ve
eh, you see, poor dear can't be seen

y la medicina
and the medicine

eh, ya ves, camina al revés
eh, you see, walks backwards

aquí no se cura
here nothing is cured

eh, ya ves, ni un callo en el pie
eh, you see, not even a callous on your foot

Ay, ki-iki-iki

eh, ya ves, ay ki-iki-é
eh, you see, ay ki-iki-é

y ahora el desempleo
and now the unemployment

eh, ya ves, me mordió también
eh, you see, it bit me too

a nadie le importa, no
no one cares, no

eh, ya ves, pues no hablamos inglés
eh, you see, since we don't speak English

ni a la Mitsubishi
nor at the Mitsubishi

eh, ya ves, ni a la Chevrolet
eh, you see, nor at the Chevrolet

[Interludio Musical]
[Musical Interlude]

La corrupción pa-arriba
The corruption rises

eh, ya ves, pa-rriba tú ves
eh, you see, going up you see

y el peso que baja
the dollar drops

eh, ya ves, pobre ni se ve
eh, you see, poor dear can't be seen

y la delincuencia
and delinquency

eh, ya ves, me pilló esta vez
eh, you see, pinned me down this time

aquí no se cura
here nothing is cured

eh, ya ves, ni un callo en el pie
eh, you see, not even a callous on your foot

Ay, ki-iki-iki

eh, ya ves, ay ki-iki-é
eh, you see, ay ki-iki-é

y ahora el desempleo
and now the unemployment

eh, ya ves, me mordió también
eh, you see, it bit me too

a nadie le importa, no
no one cares, no

eh, ya ves, pues no hablamos inglés
eh, you see, since we don't speak English

ni a la Mitsubishi
nor at the Mitsubishi

eh, ya ves, ni a la Chevrolet
eh, you see, nor at the Chevrolet



Uhm é verdad, uhm é verdad, uhm é verdad
For real, for real, for real

Eh Mama eh
Oh Mama, oh

La recesión pa-rriba
The recession is growing

eh, ya ves, pa-rriba tú ves
eh, you see, going up you see

y el peso que baja
the dollar drops

eh, ya ves, pobre ni se ve                  
eh, you see, poor dear can't be seen

y la medicina
and the medicine

eh, ya ves, camina al revés
eh, you see, walks backwards

aquí no se cura
here nothing is cured

eh, ya ves, ni un callo en el pie
eh, you see, not even a callous on your foot

Ay, ki-iki-iki                      
eh, ya ves, ay ki-iki-é
eh, you see, ay ki-iki-é

y ahora el desempleo
and now the unemployment

eh, ya ves, me mordió también
eh, you see, it bit me too

a nadie le importa, no
no one cares, no
eh, ya ves, pues no hablamos inglés
eh, you see, since we don't speak English

ni a la Mitsubishi
nor at the Mitsubishi

eh, ya ves, ni a la Chevrolet
eh, you see, nor at the Chevrolet

*"Te Regalo una Rosa" (Bachata Rosa), Juan Luis Guerra - 2013